Best-selling author RK Close blends urban fantasy and paranormal romantic suspense into fast-paced, hard-to-put-down, supernatural adventures that keep fans coming back for more.
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Vampire Files
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An outdoor enthusiast, nomadic traveler, wife, mother, and lover of all things curry, RK spends her spare time with her head in the clouds or in a book.
When not dreaming up fantasy stories, she loves photography, reading, flying her drone, working in the garden, traveling, hiking, painting, and her latest passion, archery.
RK enjoys volunteering in her community and her church.
Her reading addiction began in high school and bloomed into a full-time writing career later in life.
Close is a new resident of the Grand Mesa National Forest in Colorado. She lives with her soul-mate and hero of her story, and their two high-maintenance dogs, Cleo and Rosie.
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